Hi Bear,
I am giving a little background of my task. framework I am using is
I have couple of jsps index.jsp and calendar.jsp.
I have data in DB which consists of three columns, say (date,ticketnumber,title).
Now I have a link in "index.jsp", when I click that link, it should farward the page to calendar.jsp , which will show calendar with current month and current date highlighted and I need to display the ticketnumber column from DB to calendar.jsp and it should place ticketnumber based on the date. for example I have a row (06/21/2008 4567890 sampleticket) for this row 4567890 should be displayed in calendar.jsp in june 21st cell. likewise it should display all the ticketnumbers in specified cells of calendar.
I am able to develop the code for calendar display, and its navigating perfectly fine with change of month and year too. I also developed a script for AJAX call for displaying the ticketnumber in cell of calendar.
As I said earlier I used two for loops to generate the calendar table (So it is dynamically generated one) .
My question is How do I call AJAX script everytime loop runs(approx 30 times).
Sorry for my bad language.