Hi guys,
I would like to know is there a rule which states that
Java Bean should always be in a package. I had some problems working with Java Bean having default package with some
jsp action tags.
<jsp:useBean id="person3" class="test.Person">
<jsp:setProperty name="person3" property="name" value="${param.name}"/>
this works fine, but the same class with the package name omitted(in both java code and jsp) does not work
<jsp:useBean id="person3" class="Person">
<jsp:setProperty name="person3" property="name" value="${param.name}"/>
I have tried both the option with class files inside WEB-INF/classes/Person.class -> when there is no package and
WEB-INF/classes/test/Person.class -> when the class is put inside a package
Need your inputs