Originally posted by lavi mendonca:
... Also, is there a standard mechanism by which i can convert this xml document into some on the fly Java Value Object (which contains fields, getters and setters), so that i can access this in my jsp page and then display the data on the browser ?? ...
Originally posted by lavi mendonca:
The JSTL XML library has a tag to import the xml document. Is it necessary that this xml file should exist as a physical file in the file system ?? Can we configure it to read the xml document as a inputstream ?
Well, neither of those two things eliminates XSLT as an option. You can certainly transform XML from an InputStream. And just because you've chosen JSTL for the presentation side (a good choice I would add), that doesn't mean it's the only tool you can use. You could certainly use XSLT in the business logic layer before handing over the data to the presentation layer.Originally posted by lavi mendonca:
XSLT is not an option. This is a usual web application and instead of retreiving data from the database etc, the application needs to display it from the xml document which is a stream. And the technology on the presentation side has to be JSP (JSTL).
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