Suggestions on good books to learn JDBC. Also, what databases are good to use with JDBC. Preferably, freeware or shareware. Finally, where could I find the drivers for these databases.
Dan, I cut my JDBC baby teeth on the JDBC Tutorial which is free. I would recommend using mySQL which is also free. You should be able to find some JDBC drivers from the same link. Good luck, -Peter
Truly speaking JDBC is very short and simple. You just have to register the JDBC Driver, make the connection, prepae the SQL statement, execute the query and process the results. You can further shorten the process by not using prepared statement. And if you are updating the database then you do not have to precess the results. It's very simple. So just find the corresponding methods( from JDBC Tutorial) for each step And GO AHEAD. I am assuming that you are already familier with SQL. So Leave the tension and be happy. Regards