Originally posted by Edwin Wong:
Dear all
I have no idea about how to insert French to Domino R5 through JDBC 1.0
I have tried to use the setUnicodeStream() method in the preparedStatement class.
However, the result is empty when I used Domino Client to open the record. I seems that I just insert an empty string into domino.
* setUnicodeStream() is useless if you don't use the inputstream for preparedstatement
* java.lang.String supports standard encoding like ISO8859_1.
with a well encoded ISO 8859 (latin 1) string ,
you should be able to use it with the executeUpdate() method. The driver of the database should be able to convert Unicoded string into inhouse encoded field in the DB
You should construct a string with "\u00xx" and ensure that you can display it with System.out.println , after that, use executeUpdate() method to put the string into the DB via the JDBC driver. try to access the field with the DOmino client or a JDBC statement (executeQuery). if you don't have the result , verify your DB (Domino) supports ISO8859_1 (latin 1) encoding.
I can send U my AZERTY keyboard with the whole characters �����