i removed the set path command in my autoexec.bat file. then i restarted the system. i started the console with the bean specified in the properties file. the bean was deployed. later i created a new console window. i used setEnv command.
i had renamed the setEnv.cmd file to setEnv.bat earlier and specified in the file where my java clases are.
i went into the examples.ejb.basic.statefulSession and compiled all the files through javac *.java.
then i moved up to the weblogic folder and gave the command
java examples.ejb.basic.statefulSession.Client
things went off smoothly.
i think the problem lies in the classpath in the autoexec file which the documentation says has to be removed.
thanks for all u r help. I will be asking for more!!
[This message has been edited by rahul_mkar (edited July 14, 2000).]