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tried to run the weblogic server 5.1

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hello !
I am using j2sdkee1.2.1 for all classes used in EJB.. and get compiled the HomeInterface RemoteInterface and other classes.
firstly ,i make the jar file of all the classes and facing problem during my deployment through WEBLOGICSERVER 5.1
I am using EJB by Tom Valesky and not able to do a single example stuck at chapter 3 step 7(ie making jar) and step 8 (deployment of jar)cause they are explaining about WebLogicXpress server which i am unable to down load .
Can any body help me to do the example by using WEBlogic server 5.1 and j2sdkee1.2.1 on window 98 ...basically the deployment step along with classpath.
Thank you in advance
ps:milan if you receive answer then forward to [email protected]
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I am using WebLogic5.1 and Windows98.I hope these steps will help you.
Youhave created jar file Ok!
There exits 2 or 3 xml file(META-INF folder) in you weblogic server dependes on you bean Session or Entity.
(1) Get the copy of these files and change the calssfile names in side xml file according your example.
In file ejb-jar.xml
ex: <home>yourhomeclassfilename</home>
<bean>yourbeanclassfilename></bean> etc.,
(2)In weblogic-ejb-jar.xml give JDNI name,according your client program.
(3)use the command
ejbc jarfilename.jar -d d:\weblogic\myserver
(this command creates jar for weblogic and directs that to myserver subdirectory of weblogic.
(4)GO to server property file of your weblogic server which is avilable at utility folder of your weblogic server.
In that file goto deployer properties,mention your jar file name.
Save it.and
(5) start the server.

I hope you will do it.
Best of luck
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You can use graphical(GUI) depoyment tool shipped with WL S 5.1
If you can not open your jar-file probably your mistake is within the deployment descriptor, or the way you organize your jar-file.
If you can open jar-file then use test for EJB-compliance. It may show you some problems.
If everithing just okay then create container and deploy it....
Good luck.
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hello milan dhosi
follow these steps for the development of ejb using weblogic 5.1
and j2sdk
1.set the classpath and path for j2sdk and weblogic as follows
set classpath=c:\weblogic\classes;c:\weblogic\lib\weblogicaux.jar;c:\weblogic\myserver;c:\weblogic\license;c:\weblogic\classes\boot;c:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar;%classpath%;

set path=c:\weblogic\bin;c:\jdk1.3\bin;%path%;
2.after writing the code follow these steps
1.javac -d . *.java
2.java weblogic.ejb.utils.DDConverter -d META-INF DeploymenetDescriptor.txt
3.jar -cvf somename.jar META-INF package name where ur files have been compiled
4.java weblogic.ejbc above jarfilename c:\weblogic\classes\samejarfilename
make sure thtat ur weblogic's edit server properities is set to
the above jarfile name ie go to ejb demo properties and then set it at ejb deploy
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i am having problem using DDCreator . its giving NoClassDefFound Error weblogic/ejb/utils/DDCreator. my classpath is properly set.
i dont have any ejb sub folder in weblogic folder.
whatz the problem....
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