I work in Bangalore as a Technical Lead/Architect for a product development MNC based in US.
I have total expereince of about 6.5+ years.Broadly my skills are in
J2EE,Oracle etc.I guess I have hit the wall in my current organization and its time to move on.How should I go about with this task?
What are the organizations in Bangalore with good oppurtunities for this profile?
Also I am not too sure if I should continue in Technology or shift to Management.
My heart says stay in technology but at the same time I think I will miss out on earning/growth oppurtunities if I do not get into management.
In India,I do not know of any companies where you can go places taking the technical route.Maybe in product development orgs this is possible.
But at the same time,I want to go onsite,see the world and gain some global experience.
Also I do not have a degree in Computer Science so it is impossible to get into the Googles and Microsofts.
Looks like I am grappling with a number of conflicting choices and dilemmas
and have too many questions.
Can someone give me some guidance in this regard?
Has anyone faced a similar situation and how did you achieve the tradeoffs?
Please help out.