I would go to and download their MySqlODBC 2.50 driver. Then after installing the driver, go to control panel and the ODBC administrator dialog and set up your DSN using the MySQL driver that will now show up in the list. You will specify your db, username, password, and of course your DSN name. This driver is not JDBC driver but connects up with Sun's JDBC-ODBC driver bridge. I offer this since you mentioned the ODBC settings in the control panel.
Then you are set to do your code and connect to your db. Here is a little of my code to make my connection:
Connection con =null;
//selecting the driver as the JdbcOdbc driver
//create a connection to my MySql db using the DataSourceName in the ODBC
//dialog box in the Control Panel; my DSN is "WaltODBC", user is "", and password
//is "" Note: I downloaded the MySqlODBC 2.50 from MySQL web site
con=DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc
//create your statement object to carry your sql
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
//create your resultset;Human is a table in my db
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(" SELECT * FROM Human");