Peter den Haan | | quantum computing specialist, Objectivity Ltd
Originally posted by Paulo Salgado:
I think you can't specify a name when creating a TemporaryQueue, which leads me to believe you can get a different name when the same user establishes a new QueueConnection. Not sure on this one, but seemed logical to me. If your idea is to keep track if the user is always using the same queue and the above is true, what you want may not work.
Originally posted by Paulo Salgado:
if the producer always create a Message with a reference to the TemporaryQueue in the JMSReplyTo header, you will always have this info when processing a message from that specific producer and will be able to respond, without persisting a reference to the producer's TemporaryQueue anywhere.
Originally posted by Paulo Salgado:
I'm wondering here if it would be possible to programatically add object references to a naming context using JNDI. This could do what you want, but I don't know if it is feasible.
Originally posted by Paulo Salgado:
In the meanwhile, another thought: Pub/Sub may be an option. You can have your clients subscribing to a permanent Topic and use selectors to make the clients receive only messages concerning them.
Unfortunately, that's not very fesible. We're looking at having 100 users logged in at once, and around 10 messages sent to all of them, per second (global updates). Then
we have those personal messages, if we send 1 a second, we send 100 additional messages (personal messages). If we send 1 per second (of personal messages) to all
users, we'll be sending 10,000 additional messages (100 users x 100 personal messages), which brings the JMS load up by an order of magnitude.
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