Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit
Originally posted by Shawn DeSarkar:
I think these days no one will be a developer for more than 5 years. It is a VERY demanding job to be in, and I think that I will run out of energy for this kind of thing within 3 years and I have only started.
u is a letter, not a word.
Originally posted by Patrick van Zandbeek:
From what I've seen happen around me there are only 2 reasons people can't be developers for more than 5 years or so.
They don't really like programming and only started it because they think it paves the way to management and bossing people around. They either burn out or move along, though mostly not towards management in IT but usually some other field of work, like chef maybe, then again , that sounds like too much work.
People that don't have a clue about programming and will never really learn either. They just bluff their way through stuff, stealing and copying code left and right and moving from project to project leaving only ruin and disaster behind. After a few years of covering up and quickly moving around, people will understand how bad they really are so before that they move on. Ironically enough, they usually end up in IT management positions instead of the people in group 1)
The rest let's call them group 3) since we're numbering anyway, can happily program until their dying breath.
Then again, these are just silly ramblings of someone that's been programming for 20 years now, so maybe you can't really program for long and my brains have been fried...
Originally posted by Homer Phillips:
Some people have careers as developers. Most get on with some big company early in their career and stay on until they retire.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
People that don't have a clue about programming and will never really learn either
Originally posted by Ramesh Choudhary:
Programming is as easy as learning to ride a car.
Why can't you be a developer forever? What will happen to you?
What are you doing in my house? Get 'em tiny ad!
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