posted 19 years ago
that's also a problem that frustrated me. As we know, different people use different app. servers, like web logic, web spheere, silver stream, OAS9i, jrun, iPlanet, etc. If I have experience with one of them but the job ad. clearly says they prefer experience with another one that you haven't used before. Do I have chance to get the job ? Of course, I can download a trial version and play with it briefly, but will employer take that seriously ? I doubt. So, my "strategy" is I just get very familiar with the app. server I am using in the work. For the others, since I can't learn all of them, just forget about it. If you try a trial version of WL, shouldn't you try the others ? Plus, trying some trial version by yourself isn't professional experience. So I will just tell people I have done J2ee and used this server, for the rest I know they are close in principle with some detailded difference, so with the experience I have had, I should be able to get familiar with the new one very soo.
Is this a good approach ?