I have ran into this myself. Here's the story from Oracle. The drivers do not have finializer methods; cleanup routines are performed by the close() method of the ResultSet and Statement classes. If you do not explicitly close your ResultSet and Statement objects (I stress AND here), serious memory leaks could occur. Plus you could run out of cursors in the database. (this has happen to me). Closing the result set or statment releases the corrsponding cusor in the database. So close for each rs/stmt, your connection will still stay open! Then create rs/stmt again
s = new
String("Select * from user_tables");
Try{ stmt=conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(s);
}catch (SQLException sqle) {}
.... some building of new string
Try{ stmt=conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(s);
}catch (SQLException sqle) {}