Solaris 2.8
Hardware Sun Microsystems
Oracle 8.1.6
Java 1.4
I have a Java application that creates a JDBC connection to Oracle database and queries a table called foo, printing out the values. The table has three columns. I the do the following:
1. I close the resultset and statement, etc. and terminate the program.
2. I go into Oracle sqlplus session and drop the table foo and recreate the data (insert).
3. I re-run the Java application and the resulting query is 0 rows; No errors.
4. I stop and start the Oracle listener and retry the java application with not result.
5. I stop the Oracle listener and shutdown the Oracle database.
6. I startup the Oracle database and Oracle listener.
7. I run the Java application again and it gets the new data.
How to prevent restart of database for change in tables?