I have an insert statement resembling the one that follows which is run again and again inside a loop. Problem is when I try to run this insert through a standalone
java application the system would just hang at executeUpdate() method with nothing happening.
INSERT INTO TBL_AIRLINE_TIME (Airline_id, Flight_no, From_City_Code, From_Time, To_City_Code, To_Time, Day_Of_Week) VALUES ('9W', '322', 'AHM', TO_DATE('7:20','HH24 MI'), 'CHN', TO_DATE('10:45', 'HH24 MI'), '1,2,3,4,5,6,7') When I replace the TO_DATE strings with static data (for
test purpose) the insert works. I presume no problem with the database since I am able o do insert/query other and this table in the database without problem.
Is there any known issue with using TO_DATE()? Can any one please suggest a workaround (though I must insert only time in hours:minutes the field is a Date/time field).
Thanks for your time.
[ November 05, 2003: Message edited by: Yash Sharma ]