posted 20 years ago
Hi Giang,
Let me just speculate that 50 connections is the pool's maximum size. Normally it will open connections as they are needed, though there are also pools that open the minimum number of connections for starters. If you do not do a lot of database access, one open connection will easily suffice. Why would the pool open more? After all, its rationale is to limit the number of open connections.
This is of course all speculation, but grounded in a basic understanding of what the pool does. In order to give a detailed account, we 'd need to know what pool you are using and how exactly you configured it.
The pool establishing a new connection seems just expected behaviour to me: either it re-established the invalid connection you killed, or it opened a new one (from the pool's perspective, from a DB perspective it 's always a new connection). Good, that 's what the pool is there for.
Good riding,