Well, Mark's suggestion got me a little further, but it's still not quite working. I'm not getting the error message now, so it appears that it is successfully comparing the Dates now. Unfortunately, I can't get it to match the record I want in the database to perform the update. The extra crummy part is that now I don't get an error message, but I also can't really see what's going wrong, either - it just says that there were no rows to update by returning 0 from the executeUpdate method.
One thing I probably should have explicity pointed out earlier is that the database is storing a Date as well as a Time. For example, an entry in the database might look like this:
2/19/2004 11:36:29 AM
I tried taking Mark's suggestion a little further (along with the MS Access Help files) and came up with this line:
Unfortunately, I still can't get it to match the record I want. The worst part about it is that I don't know what the "FORMAT$" function is really doing to my String to make it match the date in Access. Is there any way that I could see the result of that function? Maybe I can do a little VBA script in Access to pop that up in a message box or something... I'll try that out tomorrow when I'm back at work.
Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know where I sit right now. If I can't get this figured out soon, I might just turn those Date/Time fields into String fields - I'm just not getting much benefit from using the specialized datatype and it's giving me a big headache.
Thanks for the help so far, folks,
[ April 22, 2004: Message edited by: Corey McGlone ]