I am using Derby (cloudscape) embedded in a Swing-Application.
My question:
How can I process a query similar to this, where I have references
to 2 tables in the same query:
"SELECT Person.Author, Books.Title, Books.Year
FROM Person, Books
WHERE Person.ID = Books.ID";
It seems like Derby lets me connect to one table only at a time.
I searched the Manual and Reference script thoroughly but in vain.
I know that queries like the one I mentioned above are possible,
because I saw similar examples in the reference book, but they did not
show the according connection code.
I suspect the connection code must be different, but how?
Here is, how I query data from one table only, which works fine:
(My tables are within one Databasesystem (DBSytem.Books, DBSystem.Person etc.)).
Any help is very much appreciated, thank you!
[ February 12, 2005: Message edited by: juliane gross ]
[ February 12, 2005: Message edited by: juliane gross ]