here is the story: -- you-re hint gave me the direction -- when i open my client app a combo box gets loaded based on reading a table using my server. if i later try to write a record the logic which re-accesses this table gets stuck (locked out) however if terminate my server and restart it with my client open -- no problem -- obviously my intiial access of the table is 'locking it' here is the offending code and my successful solution.
public static
String [] loadFinComboBox() throws SQLException {
System.out.println("in load Fin Combo Box code");
String preparedFinClassSQL = "SELECT fincls " +
"FROM Nyhfine " +
"WHERE sumcls <> 'XXX'";
PreparedStatement fc = connection.prepareStatement(preparedFinClassSQL,
ResultSet fcFinClasses = fc.executeQuery();
boolean resultFc =;
int totRows = 0;
if (resultFc == true) {
totRows = getTotRows(fcFinClasses);
} else {
totRows = 0;
String [] finclasses = new String[totRows];
String auth = " ";
System.out.println("b4 fin load loop " + totRows);
for (int i = 0; i < totRows; i++) {;
finclasses[i] = fcFinClasses.getString(1);
System.out.println("af fin load loop " + totRows);
fc.close(); return finclasses;
the first close of fcFinClasses didn't do the trick until i added fc.close();
why is this necessary and why does it work
[ July 13, 2005: Message edited by: Bob Rubin ]