posted 19 years ago
I'm trying to call stored procedures that exist in an Oracle database. My app is a web-app running in the JRun 4 container.
When I try to call the stored procedure an exception is thrown saying the stored procedure does not exist.
CallableStatement cs = dbConnection.prepareCall("{call MY_PACKAGE.MY_PROC(?,?)}");
cs.setString(1, "foo");
dbResultSet = cs.executeQuery();
My Stored procedure's signature looks like this
PROCEDURE MY_PROC(userLogon varchar2,userid OUT NUMBER)
It exists within the package MY_PACKAGE.
I am able to call procedures now that only return a single value or only take in values with out returning in values.
When I try to call a procedure that returns a cursor though it does not work correctly.
My call to the stored procedure is setup as follows.
The stored procedure signature is as like this.
My call to the stored procedure seems to just hang forever at cs.execute();
The stored procedure is tested and working correctly...
Also, this only appears to be capable of retrieving a single row of data only. How can I get back a true result set containing multiple rows?