Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
I am quite shaken by salary figures of people with around 2-4 years experience. Just wondering if I am frog-in-the-well and just missing all the fun happenig around!! How much a person with 6+ years experince is being paid in (1)Pune, (2)Banglore and other places? I though it was around 8-12 LPA but now I am not so sure!!
- Manish
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
I am quite shaken by salary figures of people with around 2-4 years experience. Just wondering if I am frog-in-the-well and just missing all the fun happenig around!! How much a person with 6+ years experince is being paid in (1)Pune, (2)Banglore and other places? I though it was around 8-12 LPA but now I am not so sure!!
- Manish
Originally posted by Vinit Patil:
Why we are expecting huge difference in salary for 2 yrs experienced and 6 yrs or more years experienced? If we look outside India, e.g. US/Europe, you will not find much difference in salary for 2 yrs exp and 6+ years experienced professional. What I think, 6+ yrs exp should not get more than 20%-30% that of 2 years exp. If 2 yrs exp person is getting 6 LPA then 6+ should not get more than 8+ LPA. 8-12 LPA is too high for 6+ yrs exp. In this case, 2 yrs exp should get 8-10 LPA.
If 2 years programmer is gettting 6 LPA and another guy is getting 8 LPA for 6 years experience in the same company, the guy with 6 years experience is most likely to quit. As any headhunter wil tell you, expereinced guys are hard to find. And companies will try to retain them. If a compay is paying 6 LPA for 2 years experience they *must* pay close to 12 LPA or more for 6 years expereince to keep him. Often, it is not about the salary figure, but perceived competence & perceived stature of your job profile -- and if you're drawing less, you are seen with a question mark.
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
Do you know or realize, by any chance, what you are saying?
- Manish
Originally posted by Vinit Patil:
Hello Manish,
I really didn't understood what you want to say.
do you have any objection on my comments or do you have any disagreement on my comments?
If any of my comments hurt your feelings, I am really sorry and please let me know which comment hurt your feelings. I will make sure that it will not happen again.
If you have any disagreement on my comments, then also, please let me know.
Please clarify.
A Moment's insight is sometimes worth a Life's experience.
Namma Suvarna Karnataka
Originally posted by Raghu Rajamarian:
14 lakh for a guy with 6 year experience
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
That's a new trend, it's touching 15 LPA these days and was inevitable, if less than 2 years expereince is paid 6 LPA, you can't keep guuy with 6 years experience happy at 8 LPA -- 6 LPA is unthinkable!
- Manish
Originally posted by Savio Fernandes:
Are we heading this way ??
Reaching the end of the job interview, the Human Resources person asked a young MBA fresh out of MIT, "And what starting salary were you looking for?"
The candidate responded confidently, "In the neighborhood of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package."
The HR person said, "Well, what would you say to a benefits package of 5 weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years -- say a red Corvette?"
The graduate sat up, mouth agape and said, "Wow! Are you kidding?"
And the interviewer responded, "Of course ... but you started it!"
Sorry, I dont mean to hijack this thread or take away from it's seriousness, but I do think that this is what will happen sooner rather than later.
Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:
For how long it will last ?.
Originally posted by Savio Fernandes:
And even with such high salaries we are still paid way below our counterparts in the US....
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
It's only software which is paying soooo high in India (I am not counting myself out. I am very much part of it, but I admit that I am overpaid) , and if greed continues I doubt how long wil it be possible to sustain these level of salaries.
- Manish
Originally posted by Savio Fernandes:
A few years earlier these may have been unthinkable salaries. But is that true now? Since companies are able to pay these kind of salaries, why cant we demand them?
Originally posted by Karthik Guru:
Some of the software that I have written has fetched millions of dollars for my company/employer. Now I wonder what did we do to deserve millions of dollars from the client. Now does that make my company/any other software company greedy? If it does then I'm perfectly ok with s/w professionals being greedy too.
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
We're mistaken a bit here though -- we are comparing salaries with business returns, there's a vast difference there. A business runs on various things besides the software you and I write. Infrastructure costs are high and so are running costs. As a salaried person, one always earns fraction of huge profits (millions and billions of USD) that companies make. That's how it has been!
Are you advocating 'I will Keep everything to myself' kind of attitude from your employer? And btw we are asking for a fraction only...it has gotten a little larger though.
now that market is hot, we're raking it in.
And so are the employers and we are 'enabling' it.
But trust me -- I have seen and have been involved in business aspect as well -- if as a business person I make 100 INR, and I pay someone 3-4 INR for work he is doing for me, and if I can get someone do do that work for me for 2 INR, I most likely to opt for him.
Oh yeah they will. They already are. They are greedy then are'nt they?.
of peace of mind as a businessman.
Absolutely! so we s'd also behave like one. That is all am saying.
Our good quality, cheap education made us eligible for taking up these type of programming/software jobs from the west, but if we are not prudent enough; it won't be long befor ethe bubble wil burst. Moreover, it will create some serious socio-economic problems.
- Manish
Do you expect an infy to ask for $10/hr if the client is willing to part with 60?
Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:
I've a few questions.
Is this trend benificial for us (not individuals) ?
Does the increasing salaries of software professionals will effect the cost of living(education, rent etc) as a whole ?
Should Indians be less demanding to keep it the number one outsourcing destination of the world or we should take advantage of what is going on right now and enjoy the feast.
If Indians don't compromise on Quality, they should keep demanding more.
Does any of you will settle down for 6LPA if you were offered 15LPA?
may be no one.
Does the old economy sector employees will ever be able to touch such salaries ?
There will be impact of IT on other sectors. But in long run, they will get.
Who is our competitor in the global market interms of providing cheaper and same quality service ?
No one. China has a long way to come.
Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:
Is this trend benificial for us (not individuals) ?
Currently yes.
Does the increasing salaries of software professionals will effect the cost of living(education, rent etc) as a whole ?
No,bubble is(will) be limited to few cities.Total IT population is fraction of entire population of country.Even without presence of current situation ,inflation will be there.(Recall period twenty years back when computers were just introduced ,vegetable were expensive and so was real estate,air fare and cars.)
Should Indians be less demanding to keep it the number one outsourcing destination of the world or we should take advantage of what is going on right now and enjoy the feast.
All Indians are human beings hence family and their income and its utilisation is a priority than sacrifice for the nation.Its the duty of the government to change the policies in such a way that inflation will be controlled and basic things will be affordable to all people.
Does any of you will settle down for 6LPA if you were offered 15LPA?
Does the old economy sector employees will ever be able to touch such salaries ?
Every Indian is not employee.Less than 10% of population pay proper income taxes.also people who are not into IT are not begging on the road.Shop owners,builders,chemists,sarpanch in a village,MLAs,muncipal officers,bank employees ar making descent money.You are not alone.!!!
Who is our competitor in the global market interms of providing cheaper and same quality service ?
Every country is a competitor.
Namma Suvarna Karnataka
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