Look up "isolation levels" in your database documentation. The db vendors have different names for the same concepts and someplace the
doc will tell you which ones your db supports and how they map to the standard
JDBC words.
Here are some notes on isolation & DB2. Your db may be similar.
Isolation Levels in DB2
Repeatable Read (RR) locks all the rows an application references within a
unit of work.
Read Stability (RS) locks only those rows that an application retrieves within a unit of work
Cursor Stability (CS) locks any row accessed by a transaction of an application while the cursor is positioned on the row.
Uncommitted Read (UR) does not lock other applications out of the row it is reading, unless the other application attempts to drop or alter the table
Here is a great article from DB2 Universal Database Online Information:
https://aurora.vcu.edu/db2help/db2d0/frame3.htm#integ Levels in JDBC and how they relate to DB2 levels
How do the DB2 levels affect data?
[ May 01, 2006: Message edited by: Stan James ]