This is the problem i have. I have two textfields. Start date and end date. I use a date picker to enter the value into the textfields. The values are then stored into a mysql database. This part works fine. I got 3 fields in my database. A startdate, enddate and duration. My question is how do i find out the duration if i have two dates in two textfields.
Textfield 1 : 13-06-2006
Textfield 2 : 16-06-2006
Duration = 3 days (How do i calculate this)
I solved the above using the below mentioned code.
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkdate() {
var begDate = new Date(document.demoform.dc1.value);
var endDate = new Date(document.demoform.dc2.value);
var difDate = endDate.getTime() - begDate.getTime();
var days = difDate / (24*60*60*1000);
The problem is it does not work with this format. DD-MM-YYYY. Is it possible for me to use
jsp and find out the difference between the days and save it to the mysql database. Thank you for your help.