hi friends,
at the time of retrieving records in excel sheet i am getting null values for the alpha numeric values in the excel sheet
one of the field in excel sheet is "n38w"
while printing on the console null value appearing in the place of this field .
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" + fileName);
String query="Select [stock_no],[shape],[size],[color],[clarity],[rap-price],[ttl rap price],[whlrapdiscount],[ttlwhsl price],[retailrap discount],[retail price],[ttl retail price],[cert],[depth],[table],[girdle],[culet],[polish],[sym],[fluor],[crown],[pavil],[meas],[comment],[stones],[certno],[rapcode] from[Fortune Inv$]";
//[whlsprice],,, from[Fortune Inv$]";
System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); Here null value is getting