Hello All,
when i am working using localhost, it works fine
String MM_bassami_DRIVER = "com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver";
String MM_bassami_USERNAME = "dba";
String MM_bassami_PASSWORD = "sql";
String database="myDB";
String MM_bassami_STRING = "jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638";
Driver Driverrs_news = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_bassami_DRIVER).newInstance();
Connection Connrs_news = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_bassami_STRING,MM_bassami_USERNAME,MM_bassami_PASSWORD);
when i place the real ip instead of "localhost" it gives me this error :
java.sql.SQLException: JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s)
should i change port number when i use real ip ?
Please Help