Dear Friends..
I have got IBM Visual Age 3.5 Enterprise Editon installed.. and i want to
use for
testing out the EntityBeans i am making..
we are using Oracle Database.
I have added the
EJB Feature in my default workbench..
and now from the from the menu's
Window->Options.. am getting a screen where i can set the WorkSpace
classpath (for resources).. there i am giving the path from where it can
find the OracleDriver.. am using oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver now from
the menu i am selecting..
Workspace->Tools->Websphere Test Enviornment..
it opens a window..from where i can start a Persistent Name Server after
specifying the driver name and username and pwd for connecting to the
when i click the button Start Server..
it gives me Exception message Box saying that the specified driver ie
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver..was not found..
The problem is i am not able to connect to the Oracle Database
Is there any other settings required for that..
if so please tell me..