Hi Everybody,
I was to execute example of session facade
pattern. All the files compile properly, but when ejbc command is run, i get the following error:
ERROR: Error from ejbc:
EJB sf_entity_method, method create(int,java.lang.String,int,int) exposes local interfac
e types or local home interface types through the remote home interface of the bean. This is not al
In EJB sf_entity_method, method findByPrimaryKey(ejb.com.sessionfacade.entity.AccountPK) ex
poses local interface types or local home interface types through the remote home interface of the
bean. This is not allowed.
ERROR: Error from ejbc:
In EJB sf_entity_method, method remove(java.lang.Object) on the home interface does not thr
ow java.rmi.RemoteException. This is a required exception.
In EJB sf_entity_method, method create(int,java.lang.String,int,int) on the home interface
does not throw java.rmi.RemoteException. This is a required exception.
In EJB sf_entity_method, method findByPrimaryKey(ejb.com.sessionfacade.entity.AccountPK) on
the home interface does not throw java.rmi.RemoteException. This is a required exception.
ERROR: Error from ejbc: In EJB sf_entity_method, the home interface ejb.com.sessionfacade.entity.Ac
countHI must extend the javax.ejb.EJBHome interface.
ERROR: ejbc found errors
Thanx in Advance