Can anyone tell me as to how ANT can be used for creating JAR files, so that I can deploy them ? Where can I find some good examples related to JBOSS (other than ?
Hi, You can use <jar jarfile="${local.jar.file}" basedir="${project.classes.dir}" /> to create a jar file, ofcourse ${} specifies the variable you have specified. For more you can look into ANT documentation. If you are looking for JBOSS deployment and configuration docs, then is the best site.
Thanks Rick.. Yes I want to understand each and every variable in ANT specially in context to deployment descriptor for EJB (JBOSS related). Can you suggest something ?
Originally posted by Ashik uzzaman: How good is JBoss as a J2EE server and EJB server? I am finding a good one and so need some alternative suggesions other than JBoss also...
What is your criteria for the search. What would be a 'good' server? Cheap, load balanced, best security etc? Alternatives (no particular order): - BEA Weblogic - IBM Websphere - Orion - Oracle IAS - Sybase - Silverstream - Resin EJB