Hi any entrerprise
java bean (
ejb) plaese help me out.I have completed
scjp & still out of job Ii want to build my carrer as a programmer but people say that only having the knowledge of core java wont lend u in good jobs. I am planning to go for advance coures in java & want to establish myself as a core java programmer.There are two options for me either JAVA DEVELOPER or ENTERPRISE JAVA BEANS .so plese suggest me where to go .any one of u in the usa please elaborate more about carrer in enterprise java beans.
any one who has done ejb cousre please tell me the links from where i can get all the details of ejb like downloading tutorials (i am not able to find it please give me the exact page of free tutorials from sun for ejb) & also give me all the other details like downloading software, specifications, sample codes, books to study & etc.
I know it will take pains to help me but guys i am in need of it. please reply soon
imp message: any ejb specialist please give me your e amil id mine is
[email protected]