I run JOnAS. They have a newsgroup, BTW that's good for such questions.
JOnAS is 100% free, including the documentation. Supposedly it performs relatively well compared to JBoss, partly because JBoss does an extremely late binding to the
EJB container. Conversely, JBoss comes up much faster.
Until recently, JBoss was probably easier to work with in an appserver environment, as you can download it prepackages with
Tomcat or one of the other JSP/servlet servers whose name I should be able to remember and can't. The latest JOnAS is getting better about such things, but still lags.
I originally got started with JOnAS because it was ready to run when JBoss (or EJBoss as it was known back then) was still under early development. Because probably the bulk of the people who ask me about my EJBWizard tool are JBoss users, I've periodically looked at converting, but I run multiple virtual hosts, and unless things have changed recently, JBoss/Tomcat can't handle that, while JOnAS/Tomcat can.