Hello All,
I am an engineering graduate with 2 years experience in Networking and Product Ananlysis
These were majorly support sort of jobs
I cleared my
scjp certification and did a small
java based project
With this much I got some offers from companies to work as Developer on Java platform
The offer that I accepted was a less paying option compared to my earlier salary.They said that I dont have relevant experience.
Here because of my earlier Product Analyst experience , I was put in a team which worked on Content Management Software called Documentum(a product by EMC corporation)which is entirely java based.
I initally did some installation and configuration work and then got to work on developing web applications that communicate with the Documentum Content Server.
worked on Product Specific framwork called Web Development kit(WDK) which can be considered as implementation of MVC architecure and has close remeblence to
Struts framework.
I have been doing this for around 1 year
After giving u this background,now if I wish to change my job,should I show my resume as a Java Developer with Documentum experience or as a Documentum product specialist .
Also what reactions can I expect from employers
Will I get only documentum jobs? and miss out on other purely java based jobs?