We are having the same problem too.
WAS 5 beta is not available for download. WSAD 5 is not available for download yet(not even the trial version). WAS Technology for Developers is too old a release to be
testing your stuff on (more than 7-8 months old). So the only choices available if you need to test your application on WAS 5 are:
1)Shell out a few thousand bucks for WSAD 5
2)Wait until Dec (or gawd knows when....IBM has already delayed the release of 5 before).
This after the fact that we are an existing 4.x customer and would like to move & test our J2EE 1.3 stuff to WAS 5. IBM really drives me nuts sometimes too!
WebSphere is probably the *only* appserver today which does not have a production J2EE 1.3 compliant version. So much for being the first!
[ October 31, 2002: Message edited by: Junaid Bhatra ]