I have been trying to decide for a while which tech. I should learn.
Of course
J2EE seems to have the market, yet I have through the .NET platform and the first few things I learnt got me really impressed.
My expreince in web dev. is with asp not
jsp, I assume jsp methodology is not so different, but I don't know...
So I'm trying to find out if you J2EE gurus know the equivelant features in the J2EE realm, if it exists. I will list them and please tell me:
First: no more html/jsp or html/asp code spaghetti, you write your html code in a page and all the other business in the codebehind file.
Second: server controls like <asp:textbox> etc. these controls can easily be manipulated, they retain their values during roundups.
Third: the _VIEWSTATUS feature which keeps all the information of the forms.
Fourth: The validation controls are excellent and only adds 1 line of code to do client side & server side validations, there are some that are ready made and you can add new ones.
Also writting beans like components are no different from writting any class.
So can anyone give me hints? Point me to equivilants to these
simple, surface features that are yet very helpful and helps in development acceleration?
One more thing, the VS is excellent development tool, what would be the equivilant in the J2EE?
I am an
Java, and I really want to go for the J2EE, but the way .NET makes it easy to develop web apps really graps my leg, so help me guys get back to J2EE...
Thanks in advance,