I was trying out a simple customized example program from a web site.
a session bean calling an entity bean. ejb2.0 entity using local interfaces only.I have created separate entity jar and session jar.In session jar while
using weblogic ejbc , i get error... i am attaching part of ejb-jar.xml of session jar.
Now error:
ERROR: Error from ejbc:
In ejb-jar.xml, the
EJB 'UserManagementBean' contains an invalid ejb-link in ejb-local-ref '
ejb/LocalUser'. No EJB with ejb-name 'userEntity.jar#UserBean' could be found.
ERROR: ejbc found errors
Now userEntity.jar is my enity ejb jar, and UserBean is the name of the bean class of the entity.
While using ejbc for session jar , i had the entity ejb jar in the same directory so path problem should n't be there.??
Please clarify this concept..
while following a session-->enitity ...is it that ejb-local-ref and ejb-link is only used if u have separate jars for session
and entity.
Thank you in advance..