Originally posted by Arathi Raj:
What does the book J2EE Pattern covers. What about EJB. Will this is good book for person who is new to EJB and J2EE.
Core J2EE Patterns covers 21 patterns, numerous J2EE Refactorings, Design considerations, and Bad Practices in the presentation, business, and integration tiers. Each pattern is documented with UML diagrams and includes numerous implementation strategies, which are code-level examples of how to implement aspects of the pattern.
In fact, the implementation strategies are really what bring the patterns to the J2EE level, since the basic problems and solutions are relevant across platforms. We cover all the major J2EE APIs, including
JDBC, etc, as part of the implementation strategy sections.
The recently released 2nd edition also covers web services, where appropriate (including a Web Service Broker pattern) and J2EE 1.4.