When we prepare a war ,We have some classes which are go into the war as well as the jar(to be kept in ejb tier)When thsi EAR is deployed on Weblogic7.0 and the class is accessed then at runtime this gives 500 internal server error. Can anybody pl tell why?
You should take a look at WebLogic's log files. The HTTP 500 error you're seeing in your browser would indicate that someone threw an exception and it's probably logged somewhere...
actually all this problem is because we do not know how to package third party jars along with the ear . It is simple if the war uses them ,we can simply place them ine WEB-INF/lib , but what when they are needed by the ejb tier classes. PL help
Ah, you need to add the "utility" .jar file into the .ear file next to your .wars and .jars and then add a "Class-Path:" manifest entry into each "mywebapp.war" and "myejb.jar" that needs to use the utility classes. Take a look at this article (search for "better solution"...)
we have tried that but still the problem remains. do we need to make any entries in the application.xml the structure is as follow App.ear : a.war b.jar util1.jar util2.jar in b.jar's manifest.mf we have entires Class-Path: util1.jar util2.jar
if a class(cacheloader) is present in both the war and ejb-jar but is used only by the web classes will the server give any error With the fact that this class uses a third party jar which IS present in WEB-INF/lib but not in ejb-jar dependent's Pls note that this class is never instantiated in the ejb container hence would never require the third party jar. I am using weblogic7
The class-path entry should be in the manifest files of war and ear files rather than b.jar.
Originally posted by Monmohan Singh: we have tried that but still the problem remains. do we need to make any entries in the application.xml the structure is as follow App.ear : a.war b.jar util1.jar util2.jar in b.jar's manifest.mf we have entires Class-Path: util1.jar util2.jar
just now I have tried it.Now it is not able to load the properties files in web ( they are placed at WEB-INF/classes) do we need to place them as well in the ear and put the .properties in the classpath entry in manifest.mf??
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