These are the instructions to setting up the environment to run the
j2ee tutorial... I don't quite understand... for instance how do I add <JAVA_HOME>/bin to the front of my path? In front of what paht? What do the angle <> brackets refer to? What are the rest of the instructions saying? For someone who is new to
java this is extremely confusing...Can someone help me out? I'm using xp so all the Unix and dos command are foreign to me. If somone could possibly help out on the first two I could proably figure out the rest...
This is what SUN says:
In order to run the asant scripts, you must configure your environment and properties files as follows:
1) Add<JAVA_HOME>/bin to the front of your path. (IN FRONT OF WHAT PATH)???
2) Add<J2EE_HOME>/bin and <J2EE_HOME>/share/bin to the front of your
path so that J2EE 1.4 Application Server scripts (asadmin, asant,
deploytool, and wscompile) overrides other installations.
3) Set the j2ee.home property in the file <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/
examples/common/ to the location of your J2EE
Application Server installation. The build process uses the j2ee.home
property to include the J2EE library archive, <J2EE_HOME>/lib/
j2ee.jar, in the classpath. If you wish to use an
IDE or the javac compiler
to build J2EE applications, you must add this JAR to your classpath.
4) Set the admin.user and admin.password properties in the file
<INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/common/ to
the values you specified when you installed the J2EE 1.4 Application
Server. The build scripts use these values when you invoke an administration
task such as creating a database pool. The default value for
admin.user is set to the installer?s default value, which is admin.