Originally posted by Nadeem Ahmad:
I have given many interviews on J2EE. Can anyone clear my doubts.
1) applet+servlets+JSP+RMI+CORBA+JDBC+AWT+SWING = J2EE
IS this right?
if not then plz describe the thing..I will be having lots of Question after getting any answer.
2)IF we put business login separate in JAVA beans and in any other calss file from the presentaion logic and run it on application server with out using EJB then can we call it J2EE application.
If you use one of the above described specifications it is a J2EE application
3)IS EJB neccessary for J2EE application.
4)If used EJB and put some business logic in EJB and some business logib in front END JSP's. Is this a J2EE application
This has nothing to do with calling an app J2EE application. A J2EE application is every app which uses parts of the J2EE specification
5)Give the correct definition of J2EE
How about checking the Sun web page, i think there you should find a correct and exact definition what J2EE ist.
Originally posted by Nadeem Ahmad:
Thank for Prompt ans specific reply Oliver Refle ,
I got the answer of all of my questions except the 5th one.
Actully I want to know the J2EE specification.
U cleared me the it is not neccessary that a J2EE app shud have EJB.
Then how a person came to know that the application is in J2EE or Not
is this application server or the architecture that matter?
Plzz let me know
I hv seen many site and book but cud not get a specific answer.
Originally posted by Nadeem Ahmad:
Now its Clear
Lot of thanks again
Actually I met lot of peoples in interview
They thought if they are asking for a J2EE guy then it means he shud know EJB.
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