I'm learning
J2ee and I'd like to use and debug
Java adventure. I tried to find some information but found nothing.
What I tried to debug , is to start the j2ee server by adding the following options into the bin/asadmin.bat file:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
This it doesn't work because the j2ee server is started with the javaw.exe virtual machine. So I'm stuck here.
My first question: 1- what visual debugger is great to debug J2ee apps ??
I'd like to known what are the steps to:
2- how to start the j2ee server in order to attach the jdb or a visual
debugger ?
3- when starting the j2ee server, what do i have to do in order to step
into the code source of Java adventure and follow function calls ?
4- how do I have to start the jdb to attach to the J2ee server ?
5- Any useful tip to debug J2ee apps ! :-)
Thanks in advance !