iam getting the following errors when creating a simple
please let me know what to do. & how to deploy it when we get such error
1) I compiled all the
java classes(Home, Remote & Bean classes)
D:\javaPrac>javac -d . HelloBean.java HelloHome.java HelloRemote.java HelloClient.java
2) It was successful. it generated the classes & the directory SLSB.
3) I have created both (ejb-jar.xml & weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)files in META-INF & put them in SLSB.
& I created the JAR file. it was successful.
D:\javaPrac\slsb>jar -cvf gops.jar *.class META-INF
added manifest
adding: HelloBean.class(in = 708) (out= 379)(deflated 46%)
adding: HelloHome.class(in = 255) (out= 186)(deflated 27%)
adding: HelloRemote.class(in = 230) (out= 175)(deflated 23%)
ignoring entry META-INF/
adding: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml(in = 801) (out= 366)(deflated 54%)
adding: META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml(in = 364) (out= 219)(deflated 39%)
4) Iam getting the problem here, when running EJBC to create the target jar file it is throwing the following error, i have pasted all the output here..what i have to do now. ask your friends.
please iam suffering with this problem since so many days.
D:\javaPrac\slsb>java weblogic.ejbc gops.jar paddu.jar
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to load a class specified in your ejb-jar.xml: slsb.HelloBean
ERROR: ejbc found errors