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Few Question For J2EE Developer

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Hi Ranchers, please help to identify me some issues as I am never involved in any real J2EE project. Your answers will help other newbies like me.
1. what r the first steps of a j2ee project?
2. How many teams r invloved in project(eg. development,implementation,testing, etc...)
3. Who is responsible for deciding the team and team members? PM??
4. What is the main responsibility of architect?
5. How to assign responsibility to a team member if it's a huge project.
team should be defined along with the horizontal layers or package? why?
6.How developer interact whith Architect,Team lead and peers. What should they know?
7.What should be a developer's core responsibilities?
-----Front Developer
-----Business Object Developer
-----Team Lead
8. What is the role of a developer inrequirment analysis?
9. can we use MS VIsio to design j2ee project?
10. is developer responsible for developing any of the UML diagram(use cases,ssd,interaction,collaboration,state,class,object,activity)?
11. How the diagram is used in construction phase?
12. Does architect provide basic code for all classes,beans,enterprise beans etc???
13. During design when to use GRASP,GOF Patterns and when to use J2EE patterns?
14. What are the most frequently used paterns used? Who decide it? and How implements it?
15.If I represent my self as Business Object Developer what are the critical points I should know and keep in mind.
16. Who is responsible for developing struts forms, form beans and form classes?
17.Is it ok to say we used MS VISIO as designing tool? In my resume
18. If I write I 've used websphere studio application developer as development tool what are the critical things I should know about it.
19. Should I be responsible for writting entity bean from scratch or architect provide the basi code I need to write custom finder and create method only.
20. Who should be responsible for writing classes in util,common,exception,value,web package?
21. Most important How developer test a J2EE application.
22. How developer test presentation-controllerlayer.
23. How developer test session bean, entity beans.
I know there will be a seperate testing team who perform the
24. what tool can be used for file sharing and version control.
25. What should developer know about struts.
26. If developer was the part of requirment analysis and helped architect to develop, use cases,interaction diagram,class diagram, what is developer's responsibilities, task ?
27. Where we applied UML patterns and j2ee pattern in the project and
how we implement it?
28.Howmany iteration My project shoud have. 4?
29. Does development team has responsibility to implement and test
the project or it's a different team. what is the ideal team(How many
people and their responsibilities)
30. What are the frequently used patterns in j2ee project during
design and constructions.Can you provide sample ,eleborate?
31. If I'm the business object developer only what should be my responsibilities?
32.What are the critical points I should know If I represent my self
as J2EE developer.
33. How we implement security in j2ee, basic,form, client
certificate??? JAAS???
34. What shout I look in web.xml, ejb-jar.xml
35. How relation ship is defined between entity beans.
Your input will be greatly appriciated, and will help numbers of ranchers linke me.
Please feel free to answer what ever you know.
Thank You Very Much
Sajet Inarup
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One more question.
What biggest problem you faced during your J2EE project?
Ranch Hand
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If you are a true SCWCD, you should not be asking many of the listed questions.
It will sure help you if you investigate these list of questions by yourself. That will sure improve your value as a J2EE developer.
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Originally posted by Kishore Dandu:
If you are a true SCWCD, you should not be asking many of the listed questions.

I don't know what that means. SCWCD is a simple multiple choice exam... it does not test real world experience which is what most of these questions are really asking about.
On the other hand... it is unreasonable to expect an answer to your shopping list of questions. It would take hours to properly answer these... and my time is more valuable than that. Expend some of your own energy to research these topics because nobody is going to do it for you.
Sajet Inarup
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I didn't expect to get answer for each and every question,
whatever u r input will be valuable.
As I mentioned I never involved in J2EE project how can I know.
My company still uses ASP not even .net, How can I know all these questions without u r help.
It will help many others like me,
Sajet Inarup
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I Agree some of the questions I already know answer but still u r input is valuable.
I 've red EJB Head First, Applying UML & patters, Ejb Book by Ed Roman, struts book, Websphere App Server by Wrox Publ. Martin Fowler, Redbooks, SCWCD certification by Hanumanth, u name the book I read it. The problem is I have all theoritical knowledge, I need some practical knowledge.
Hope u guys understand,
Chris Mathews
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What you have here is commonly referred to as information overload... and it has effectively destroyed any chance for you to receive a serious reply to this post. It is not only the volume of questions that you asked, it is also the scope of the questions. Many of these questions would take hours to discuss and even then there is no clear-cut single correct answer.
It is clearly obvious from your post that you lack practical experience in software development. Know what? Everybody does when they first start out in this business. You are not expected to know the answers to these questions, that comes with time and experience. It appears that you want to forgo the time and experience and jump right to expert level... sorry but life doesn't work that way. You have to learn to crawl before you learn to run. Please don't get the impression that I am trying to keep you down, because I'm not. Even if I took the next 48 hours and wrote up comprehensive answers to each of these questions... it wouldn't help and certainly would be a gigantic waste of my time. In the end, you would still would lack the knowledge and experience necessary to successfully architect and develop large-scale enterprise systems. There are no shortcuts and people that can't accept that are doomed to fail.
I can understand and appreciate that you are curious and you want to learn more. It is just that you going about it the wrong way. I suggest that you pick a topic, a single topic, and post a well thought-out question (please post it in the appropriate forum). You would then have a much better chance of receiving meaningful replies and stimulating a good discussion. In short, everyone would benefit.
Sajet Inarup
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Thanks for u r input,
Your are 100% right. Here is my situation I don't want to finish the Marathon in 1 hr but in order to get some practical experience I need to involve in J2EE project, which is only possible (in this market) when I have some working knowledge.
I thought this thread will be a centralized location for newbie to get info. quickly.
I tried to post my questions one at a time and didn't get any response.
I'll try again,
If u can send me any reference link to get the answer(s) that will be great.
Thanks Again,
Ranch Hand
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chris is right there is no clear cut and single answer..but here are some answers that I tried to give based on my experiences...the questions were an awful lot....it also means I have no other work to do . and I would welcome comments for my answers too.
I would suggest to take these answers with a pinch of salt...because these could mislead too.

1. what r the first steps of a j2ee project?
The first step is to Identify a key area and try to develop and prototype that would just be a good representative of the whole project. this would typically involve the Architect, the PM, and a few developers. this is very helpful if we are scaling an existing Application into a J2EE project. this would be one of the most crucial steps that would give a feeling of the uphill task that we might face in the future.
Identifying the "Layers" into which the Application will be scoped...meaning the business Logic, the client layer, Persistence Framework, and then Identifying the Components, models, views, controllers
Identifying the "clients" who will be using the applications, if the clients are going to be geographically distributed then we might have to add the web support, if the clients are involved on a principal to principal basis then we should also try to rope in an EAI solution.
we dont always start a new Project from the scratch, so it could mean that we are scaling the existing software modules into an EJB architecture.
well the list could be endless...
2. How many teams r invloved in project(eg. development,implementation,testing, etc...)
We have typically one project manager, one key account manager that forms a link between the customer and the Project team, an Architect, a module owner cum junior architect, some developers per module.
3. Who is responsible for deciding the team and team members? PM??
Generally in a company, the resources are choosen based on the following factors
1. Resources who have lesser load or currently free..
2. Resources who have the Domain knowledge
3. Resources who are very keen on working on such new technologies.
Resources I mean the manpower
the CTO decides the Key account manager and they together decide the PM. then the Key account manager with the help of the Development manager (who generally looks after the load balancing and skill balance sheet of each employee and also the other resources that the company has invested on) decides on the architects and the developers who how many will form the part of the team.
4. What is the main responsibility of architect?
to start with the architect will decide the drive to go for a project in J2EE or not...decide is too strong a word, but he will surely is the influencing person on the management decision of weather to go for a j2ee project or not. generally he has to consider the factors like existing legacy systems...the cost of bringing in the j2ee technology..( bringing in j2ee is almost inexpensive with so much open source support that the cost factor would hardly be against deciding the introduction of Java and related technology).
once decided, then the architect would develop a lot of charts that will graphically define a lot of things like the
time based completion of the project of course with the help of the PM.
UML diagrams atleast on the toplevel, creates Frame works for different core areas.
Directory Structure and the workspace configuration into the Version control System (like Clear case / CVS etc) to provide a generalized development environment.
designing guidelines of development if this is the first time a J2EE project is being undertaken
5. How to assign responsibility to a team member if it's a huge project.
generally, in todays development scenarios, atleast where I worked, the responsibilities of a team member are though defined are not restricted to. sometimes a developers knowledge could be more influencing than a team leads experience...like a developers business knowledge (either because of prior experience or because of the sheer education back ground ) could end up playing a leading role though temporarily.
but more or less, a ream is given a responsibility, like developing a "billing system", some roles could be defined, like the architect, the PM, the Team lead etc, but at the root level where the developers are I think it is more or less I take this you take that and generally no one works in isolation.
but on a broader sense, the team lead, along with the other top ones, decides on individuals like " he will be a code reviewer", "she will work on the Rules Framework"...etc.
team should be defined along with the horizontal layers or package? why?
6.How developer interact whith Architect,Team lead and peers. What should they know?
the greatness of a IT company is that the hierarchies are non existent, so the interaction is very informal as much as you could walk accross to the architect's table and tell him that he needs to consider this fact or that etc.. the Developers need to know only one thing, they need to develop and they need to have the right attitude.
7.What should be a developer's core responsibilities?
-----Front Developer
that he works on a frame work that has been in use by the company or atleast if there is none then introduce the MVC framework and other Design patterns. generally the usage of newer components are limited to the approval of the techlead.
should always develop on the guidelines that the company provides, like the Images to be used on the buttos etc.
-----Business Object Developer
should not expose any business logic that would be harmful otherwise.
should not avoid hard coded functionalities that would effect the compatibility and flexibility
-----Team Lead
he is the catalyst between the otherwise silent competetion between co developers trying to outperform each other, this is healthy surely, but will turn sour if the team lead plays favourites.
no one is perfect. if the team lead encourages participation then it will create a healthy environment.
"if we both have an apple and exchange it we still end up having one apple each, but if we both have two ideas then we each will have two Ideas"..a quote by one of the presidents of America I dont know who, but I liked it very much.
general to all:
have a good exception handling code, so that the other user knows it if there was an error it was from your code.
provide good logging.
provide good documentation.
share knowledge.
encourage discussions on technical problems during lunches.
8. What is the role of a developer inrequirment analysis?
I think the developer plays a very important role in the requirement analysis, because he will be able to more or less clearly tell the effort it will take, is it possible in the first place or not, does the existing code already solve this problem etc.
9. can we use MS VIsio to design j2ee project?
I dont know but, I think it is much more developed now than that it originally started to, all you need to know is if it supports UML...the Designs are not language dependant at least UML is not.
10. is developer responsible for developing any of the UML diagram(use cases,ssd,interaction,collaboration,state,class,object,activity)?
well the developers are generally not involved in developing these diagrams, but generally they could end up designing class Diagrams and sequence diagrams which result out of the responsibilities assigned to them. these will be generally submitted to the architect / team lead which will be reviewed and approved.
it could happen that when the developer comes out with a new Idea that might actually ease an existing bottleneck then its very important that he knows how to put that graphically so that it will be useful in the presentation.
11. How the diagram is used in construction phase?
which diagram? each diagram is designed and approved before a more detailed lower level diagram is created, and each diagram has its value based on the target audience that will participate in the "construction" phase.
12. Does architect provide basic code for all classes,beans,enterprise beans etc???
he might not provide basic code, but surely some frame work code, which will be extended and realized by the other "senior" developers and then be fine grained.
13. During design when to use GRASP,GOF Patterns and when to use J2EE patterns?
well generally the GOF patterns are used while developing blue prints for the code, but these are patterns and the concepts can be used anywhere. I dont know what GRASP is.
14. What are the most frequently used paterns used? Who decide it? and How implements it?
this question is vague for me. there are I think no statistics that suggest which are used more..but I personally feel, Command pattern (Workflow Systems), Factory Pattern and Builder patterns are used often for the sake of flexibility and extensibility.
15.If I represent my self as Business Object Developer what are the critical points I should know and keep in mind.
that the Objects you are developing are your business , otherwise you should be well versed with the persistence framework in use, look for the avaliable apis that will help you achieve your query needs, if not then you should report the same to your team lead. avoid hard coding in the business Obects, like "select * from...."
16. Who is responsible for developing struts forms, form beans and form classes?
well, it could be one person, three persons..it could be any, generally form classes, could be developed by some one else, the beans also could have been already developed by some one else. generally Struts forms themselves are a lot of work.

17.Is it ok to say we used MS VISIO as designing tool? In my resume
atleast you will not be fired or rejected because you mentioned it, a lot of companies have requirements that you have a good knowledge ot visio...but for J2ee I dont know.
18. If I write I 've used websphere studio application developer as development tool what are the critical things I should know about it.
better some Websphere guy answer this.
19. Should I be responsible for writting entity bean from scratch or architect provide the basi code I need to write custom finder and create method only.
Generally the finder methods support the primary keys, but there is nothing wrong if you take a initiative to provide finders which support the unique keys, or just because you think that people might need these methods, or if you are scaling an existing application into EJB, then you could provide a finder for each constructor provided in the business Object. some times even requirements could force you to provide a new finder method.
ofcourse there should be guidelines too.
20. Who should be responsible for writing classes in util,common,exception,value,web package?
well to start with....you, depends on your responsibility, if you think that you have discovered logic that will be generally useful to all then you could with the help of the architect move it to the util or the common, if you think that your logic needs to throw a new type of exception that cannot be thrown with the existing exception classes then why not? after all we want the application to be as interactive as possible to the client, well this often needs the approval of your superiors.
21. Most important How developer test a J2EE application.
beats me, but I would integrate XP ( Extreme programming) using JUnit, HTTPUnit, Cactus frameworks so that it eases the life of the QA inturn yours. well accept it or not...your code goes through a "QA" from you for a thousand times before you check your code in to the CVS.
22. How developer test presentation-controllerlayer.
the best way is to run the application itself because it is a presentation or GUI, what I would try to notice is the "loading" time of the frame, the consistency of the GUI with the other GUIs existing. the messages on the GUI etc.
23. How developer test session bean, entity beans.
generally we should provide some test cases.
24. what tool can be used for file sharing and version control.
there are many tools, but CVS is one open source tool used for open source projects (jakarta etc), and eclipse can be easily configured to work seamlessly with CVS, there is MKS and ClearCase which is a very high end version control tool and more advanced as you know Version control is a vast field.
25. What should developer know about struts.
every thing, if you are developing solutions in web. and atleast the struts-config.xml, and how to create the Action and the form classes and if you are providing very basic functionality over the web.
26. If developer was the part of requirment analysis and helped architect to develop, use cases,interaction diagram,class diagram, what is developer's responsibilities, task ?
probably do reverse engineering, that is develop Class Diagrams from the existing code, possible with Enterprise Architect and Rational Rose atleast, and then weed out the unwanted information and try to provide a birds eye view to the Architect for analysis.
re arrange (Refactor to be precise) the diagrams to make the interactions more grouped and then probably make code changes with the approval of the Architect.
comment on the requirements, saying this is possible and this is not etc.
27. Where we applied UML patterns and j2ee pattern in the project and
how we implement it?
every where, where you need to graphically represent a situation for communication.
28.Howmany iteration My project shoud have. 4?
well there is no hard and fast rule about the Iterations I think, if the requirements are pretty stable, then the number of iterations that will go in will depend upon the care you take in developing the code.
if you do not check for extreme values, abnormal values and dont throw exceptions, then you might probably end up doing more itrerations.
29. Does development team has responsibility to implement and test
the project or it's a different team. what is the ideal team(How many
people and their responsibilities)
As mentioned before, your code goes into the CVS only after a lot of "Sanity Checking and QA" by you only, this would also invlolve the teamlead checks and comments etc. Ideally your Test cases will be good enough for avoiding a heavy QAing.
there is not such thing as an Ideal team
30. What are the frequently used patterns in j2ee project during
design and constructions.Can you provide sample ,eleborate?
this is a repeated question.
32.What are the critical points I should know If I represent my self as J2EE developer.
I think all the answers to the questions here )
33. How we implement security in j2ee, basic,form, client certificate??? JAAS???
out of my scope..
34. What shout I look in web.xml, ejb-jar.xml
I would look for those things that I would need to put in my deployment descriptor files.
Sajet Inarup
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Hi RajaniKanth Bhargava ,
This is great , Thank You Very Much For Your Time,
Beleieve me it helped me alot.
I have some more questions in regard to few answers you gave but that will be too much for now.
Again Thanks A Million,
pie sneak
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I 've red EJB Head First, Applying UML & patters, Ejb Book by Ed Roman, struts book, Websphere App Server by Wrox Publ. Martin Fowler, Redbooks, SCWCD certification by Hanumanth, u name the book I read it. The problem is I have all theoritical knowledge, I need some practical knowledge.

Wait, what makes the input from us any more practical and less theoretical than the input from those books??? Nearly every question you asked is fielded in one of the books you've listed - especially the first 6 chapters of Applying UML and Patterns. I feel the best answers I could give are page numbers of specific references.
Sajet Inarup
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That's right it's already there in book but,real project are not based
on book. Book can tell how how the ideal project should be designed and built.
In real life it's different. I want to know that difference.
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Hi Sajet,
I was just going thru all the comments posted in this thread.
I really appreciate ur hard work & passion to learn more.
DOn't worry ... go ahead ...
U will learn more ...
All the beat

- Augg
Augg Stine
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Also i appreciate Mr. RajaniKanth Bhargava who has done a great job even after seeing the prior comments.
Raj Chila
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Thanks a Lot for the kind words Joseph, what I wrote as answers were my Observations and I feel we will always feel more knowledgeable after sharing what we learnt.
Its true that the books only give a fair Idea of the questions...even having read many books you sometime find it difficult to practically Imagine it...I myself used to have the same doubts ever since i started to work. but nothing can give a real feeling unless we test the waters.
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