SCJP 1.5
Vikram PracLabs
Originally posted by sachin yadav:
yes, true said. once you have knowledge money will follow you.
Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit
Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
Getting 10% more earlier in your career means a lot less than 10% later on--unless you're very good at saving and investing it.
SCJP 1.5
Originally posted by Timothy Sam:
One more thing, I've been with two other companies before in my 8 month career...
[ August 26, 2006: Message edited by: Timothy Sam ]
[ August 26, 2006: Message edited by: Timothy Sam ]
To me you already look like a spoilt case
SCJP 1.5
Originally posted by pankaj shukla:
Unfortunately, in India we have the attitude "Why me?". Everybody is doing this.Why shouldn't I do this?
Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit
Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
Have you ever known any highly successful person (Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Einstein, Halileo, etc) who said, "I should do it this way because everybody else is doing it like this?"
Originally posted by Timothy Sam:
What do you mean by this?
Well... Some people are just not as lucky as other people are. I have my reasons for quitting the job, and the job before.
Mike Van
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Unless you really suck at it. Then, you might just want to try something else, if you dont' want to be a loser I mean.
Originally posted by Mike Van:
In my case, I had an opportunity to make what I thought was a lot of money, instead of pursuing a Bachelor's degree. If I had chosen to go to a 4 year institution, I would have had the ability to pick whichever place I wanted (great reference from people that mattered). In my case, I chose the money and after a few years was regularly increasing my salary double percentage points every year. Do I wish I had gone to the college? Yeah, I'm sure I'd have been making at least what I make now if I had gone.
However, my personality is not one that would have done well sitting in a classroom or library studying. I'm more aggressive than that and am a risk-taker. I believe the greater the risk, the greater the reward. I believe that you have to get your hands dirty, work the long hours, and be innovative to be successful. I chose more entrepreneurial goals than knowledge and have done fairly well.
So, here's my suggestion. Find out how entrepreneurial you are. Are you someone that likes taking big risks, or are you someone that would rather live life less dangerously? Are you a visionary, or do you prefer to have someone guide you? The pursuit of knowledge is a far nobler cause than the pursuit of money. But, without those who are willing to pursue money, the knowledgable wouldn't have jobs.
The world needs leaders just as much as it needs followers. If you have the opportunity to greatly expand yourself and you are entrepreneurial, go for the money. You can always hire someone with knowledge. Be careful though, the downside of risk is harsh. If you commit and lose, be prepared for a long climb back to the top.
The world needs leaders just as much as it needs followers. If you have the opportunity to greatly expand yourself and you are entrepreneurial, go for the money. You can always hire someone with knowledge. Be careful though, the downside of risk is harsh. If you commit and lose, be prepared for a long climb back to the top.
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.3 , SCBCD 1.3
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