Absolutely. And its also true of every technology ever designed. What the introduction is probably alluding to is three things:
J2EE breaks much of the clean design OO tends to enforceJ2EE tend to include loosly coupled components, so integration testing is more important in a J2EE environment than it might be in a single application.The J2EE spec. itself includes some standards which are counter productive and just plainly badly thought through (Entity Beans! I'm looking at you). A slavish devotion to the standards will produce applications which are just not as good as they could be. Many of the problems of J2EE are general problems for "Enterprise" applications as a rule. I can't think of any technology which claims to fit this space
and is a standard, and doesn't suffer from these problems (proprietory custom builds may well avoid this, but will introduce a whole different set of issues).
Remember, there is nothing implicit in a technology which will avoid the dangers your introduction alludes to. Applications are only as good as the engineers who design and build them, regardless of technology.
[ November 18, 2004: Message edited by: Paul Sturrock ]