Originally posted by Nidhi Singhal:
i have good hands on experience in java servlets and jdbc. I am interested in learning struts and ejb's. please suggest me a good book or any online tutorial/material from where i should start with.
My personal recommendation is: don't. They're both awful technologies (EJBs much more so than Struts but never the less). Look at some other J2EE based technologies instead: eg
Hibernate for persistence,
Spring for gluing applications together and either Spring or Tapestry for a Web framework.
Bruce Tate does a good job of explaining why:
Don't Make Me Eat The Elephant Again If you want to read a good book (I'd recommend reading this anyway) then try "J2EE Development without EJB" by Rod Johnson, published by Wrox.
You'll thank me.
[ January 10, 2005: Message edited by: Edward Kenworthy ]