I'm facin a strange problem. When ever i execute a servlet or jsp or EJB with JDBc conncection, I am gettin an SQL Exception saying NO SUITABLE DRIVER. But if te same program is done in CORE JAVA there is no problem all DML operations are workin. What may be te problem? Do i ave to change any configuration files. Please help me as early as possible. Thankyou, Sree
Hi , do you have the libraries for jdbc from SQL SERVer in the classpath of the webserver/appserver . The webserver/appserver might use a propertiery claspath setting when booting .please check this and lemme know .
If the webserver is weblogic , the classpath setting is in
else if websphere then
installroot/bin/setCLASSPATH ( I think ??)
make sure that you append the path where libraries are present to their classpath and restart .
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