Hi. Well I'm no expert myself having started with j2ee not long ago, and weblogic i have not used, actually not used anything else than jboss and sun app server(this for only once). It apears weblogic even has it's own tool to make it easier to modify the classpath.
Well here is how it's generaly done when you need to put a .jar on the classpath.
On windows XP press Start->Settings->ControlPanel
Select the System icon, then the Advanced tab and at the bottom press Enviroment Variables. On the User Variables window
you should have a variable named CLASSPATH. Double clk on it and in the Variable Value text box insert at the end(do not delete what it is already there) ";c:\path_to_jar\name.jar" without the quotes.
On Linux you would say
export CLASSPATH=:/usr/path_to_jar/name.jar
Well i'm not really sure what's the name weblogic uses for it's jar containing javax.ejb.*; so any WebLogic guys please HELP.
[ March 22, 2005: Message edited by: Balamaci Serban ]