posted 17 years ago
Hey, i was just wondering, if i can watch a topic.
The following is what i am looking for:
1) For a particular topic, there can be an option to watch.
2) When one selects it, whenever someone posts a reply, a mail is sent to that person, intimating about the same.
3) Alternatively, if emailing is a load, then under my profile or in home, can we put a link to display a list of topics i am watching?
We already have the above functionality(point 3) for topics that one replies to. Also, an email is sent to me(if opted for) for all replies sent to the topics i start. So, can it be extended to the above mentioned requirement?
I find it really helpful because sometime i find a topic to be interesting and i would want to follow the replies posted for that topic. But, in the sea of questions on javaranch, it mostly misses out from one's eyes.