I think, therefore I exist -- Rene Descartes
I think, therefore I exist -- Rene Descartes
now the path problem is over but it says the build.xml doesnt exist and build failed.
Can you show me through how to compile an ejb? I have weblogic but it looks scary with vast documentation.
java �classpath $BEA_HOME/server/lib/weblogic.jar;.;<other paths>; weblogic.appc �
wlddcreate�Generates basic deployment descriptor files for J2EE components in the source directory. See Generating Deployment Descriptors Using wlddcreate. wlcompile�This Ant task compiles the contents of the source directory into subdirectories of the build directory. wlcompile compiles Java classes and also processes annotated .ejb files into deployment descriptors, as described in Compiling Applications Using wlcompile. wlappc�This Ant task invokes the appc compiler, which generates JSPs and container-specific EJB classes for deployment. See appc Compiler. wldeploy�This Ant task deploys any format of J2EE applications (exploded or archived) to WebLogic Server. To deploy directly from the split development directory environment, you specify the build directory of your application. See Deployment Tools Reference in Deploying WebLogic Server Applications. wlpackage�This Ant task uses the contents of both the source and build directories to generate an EAR file or exploded EAR directory that you can give to others for deployment.
(see http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs81/programming/environment.html )
I think, therefore I exist -- Rene Descartes
Further the tutorial says it is configured to work with ant 1.3 but Im using ant 1.6.5 >Is it because of the version Im not able to compile my ejb?
I think, therefore I exist -- Rene Descartes
I think, therefore I exist -- Rene Descartes
Uh oh, we're definitely being carded. Here, show him this tiny ad:
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