Originally posted by Gary Moncrief:
Will the Application Server lock up if too many EJB objects have been created? I think my problem might be related to that??
Hi Gary,
has that problem been fixed already? If not:
Is the bean a stateful session bean? If yes:
Are there any static variables or member variables that may not survive passivation and activation? Did you try to print out their physical address (without toString()) within passivate() and activate() and compare the adresses? Did you compare the values within activate() too?
Is there any "optimization" like caching referenzes to a database or any environment? If yes then for
testing remove all this optimization. When all runs well after that then re-add your optimizations until the error recurs.
Passivation and activation is pool related too, that is where my thoughts come from.
Just some ideas, maybe one of them helps.
I would be very interested to hear the reason and the solution.
Good luck
[ March 22, 2006: Message edited by: Thomas Taeger ]