1. install application[1]: one ear file includes one
ejb module and web module[1]
2. install application[2]: one web module[2]
I can access ejb module by web module[1], but can NOT by web module[2], (see below exception when narrowing TestEJBHome). Is it due to they locating in different applications???
If true, I can not share the ejb module in two web modules, can I? That means I should bind web module with it as one application once I want to access ejb module.
Then can I access ejb module from a different machine (by modifying the ip of url when creating InitialContext)?
The below is the detailed infomation,
jsp file and web.xml are same in web module[1] and web module[2], and the two class files TestEJB & TestEJBHome are archived as a jar file located in web module's lib folder.
---web module--- jsp file: web.xml: ---ejb module--- ejb-jar.xml: Error log: Anyone who knows it helps me please, thanks a lot! (Waiting in sweat...)